Wednesday, October 17, 2012

It ain't just a couple of half naked chicks...

   People look at paintings and shit and just see it as a picture, they ain't, not to the fuckers that paint 'em and the stoners that stare at 'em. To me they ain't a picture, the overall image is cool but it's the work in different little areas that you can really just lose yourself in.  Man it's a gas, faces become choppy little blotches of high chroma larva and the hands in the shadows become supernovas.
  I finished this painting yesterday and just let it dry and gave it the 'ol critics eye basically looking for anything I did wrong and beating myself up over it. It sucks, I was broke but I had weed and just got completely baked. I pulled up a chair up close to what I had done and just road the waves.
  I can't get any good shots of the thing so I just keep trying. Last night I was stoned and had a camera and shot pictures of it because that' what stoners do.
  They have some light refraction so the parts that dry differently have a reflective surface. That's what makes the picture above's the top right corner looks chalky. Fuck it... now that's out of the way, let me take you on a guided tour. This is why I paint.
This enitire section was more or less done in about two days. Not consecutively but it took two days. Once you get past that it's two half naked chicks doin' what they do it's pretty fuckin' deep. Not deep like in 'heavy' I mean deep like you can fall right in it. It's the shadows man, with out 'em the whole thing will look flatter than Kate Moss.
  I've been working with shadows for a while and for some reason the planets aligned and it all worked. The stereo was pumpin' out whatever it was pumpin', the subs were slappin' and paint was flyin...nothing else really mattered. I lose it, just stirrin' pigment and makin' it work, don't even know what the fuck I'm doin' it most of the time.Sometimes its fun, sometimes your pissed an when you are you paint...a SHOVELHEAD!

  Yea man, when I say pissed I don't mean like 'mad at your boss pissed' I mean like big rock guitar solo kind of pissed. Just like riding angry, you paint pissed. Big thick loads of paint with big, unrefined, brush strokes. Make it seem hostile and rumbling, it ain't a dainty motor so beat it up and leave it. I think I was listening to a lot of Ministry during this.
   There is a lot of paint in this's thick. I never know how anything is going to look when I'm done, but when I got all the colors right I just stopped which ain't easy to do. I always want to refine each area until it's perfect...a habit I have since broken.Shitty habit!

  These bottles are a goof...any time I paint a bottle it is. There were bottles here in the photo I work from but I eneded up just slappin' colors where the needed to go and not thinkin' about them being bottles, that's how I always do it. I used to hate that they look so Dr. Suess but now I really like that feel and do it on purpose. This time they almost look like they are half way through a Dead show kind of melting. Pretty fuckin' cool.

  There ain't no black in real life, just like there is now white, everyting is affected by the colors around it. No matter what color you have it will be reflected onto the colors near them and vice versa. So a flat black gas tank is whatever colors are near it also.If I painted the tank just strait flat black it would look like somebody just took a big ol' shit on it so it takes forever to get it right. Plus there are warm and cool colors. Warm colors make things seem inviting and comfortable, cool colors look dead, I don't use them much.
  Separating a flat black tank from the shadow it's sitting in was a cunt to get right but what made it worse is trying to figure out how to make something that is 'white' look like it was in the shadow... that almost gave me an aneurism. I don't use glazes which are transparent colors that you can use to 'drop" things into the back ground. I used to do it but it felt like the pussies way out so now I mix the right color. Not always easy...this time was no exception. It took a lot of trial and error and when I got it right it was just the color of one of the girls always works out that way.

  This is a real shitty picture of something that my stoned eyes gazed at for hours. I had a problem, I used two completely different styles that collided right at these hands. I had the sardonic brush stokes of the motor and the slick as pudding brushstrokes of the chicks. I had to do something with the hands to tie the two styles together and hands usually already suck to paint. Pot helped on this just bending brake lines. Sometimes you just look at things different.
  I don't really know what this blogity blog is all about but not many people are going to get to see this painting. Eventually it will sell and even I probably won't see it again. There's no applause at the end of these things for that very reason...I should have learned to play guitar if I wanted that.
  I thought that some of you would be interested in what I noticed AFTER I was done and it was signed. Staring at it is them is the best thing about them. You have a picture and then you have what the guy behind the brush was thinking when you get up close. At least that's how it is with fuck it, I must be right.
This is my mean assed dog Bud....stare into her dead eye of doom...scary huh? "GTP"


  1. Hey... Thanks for the inside tour!

    A trip through the inner psyche of an artist, photographer, screenwriter, author - always takes the work to a whole new level for me. Really interesting.

    And with the rest of the cr*#&p going on.... Hang in there! : )

  2. very cool to hear your voice as you go over the different parts.

