Friday, April 27, 2012

Welcome to my new Hell!

                                              ...If you click on the pictures it make s them larger!

 Welp there goes another bloggity-blog into the technological abyss. Corrupted, hacked, deleted and fucked up, they fall like maggots off a shaking leper. It really doesn’t mean a hill of beans in the grand scheme of things. All this cyber-horseshit will eventually just get swallowed up, one whimpering blurb at a time. The information super hi-way has a healthy fat chick appetite...and she ain’t worried how her calves look in a pair of heals. Eat up Pork Chop…dinner’s a waitin’!
  I really don’t have a NEED to do this bloo
G crap it’s pure advertising, straight up, luckily I have a lot to say and a knack for stringin’ a few words together. It’s not that I hate doing it, it’s just not like I wake up in the morning thinking…”OMG ! I have to put this cup of coffee on my blog!” I just don’t mind killin’ a few minutes and forming the word cocksucker repeatedly over and over until it forms some resemblance to a sentence. You swear enough you have a paragraph and so on.
  So here we are at yet a different location, me at the keyboard and you sitting there waiting for something that you find even mildly amusing…wait for it…wait for it…I got nothin’. Maybe something will show up but, as always, there’s no guarantee.
  I’ve had my head into this SHED painting lately. It’s the biggest project that I’ve ever done. Not necessarily the size (it’s 40” x 60”) but there are 18 of the ugliest motherfuckers you have ever seen in your life and I have met all of ‘em, which means they better each look like they actually do….when they’re fucked up, which is what most of these guys were at the time.
  It’s time consuming and I am all over it. The timing is pretty good on this because it’s all I think about…mostly. I really don’t want to think about money, commissions, or the rest of life’s emotional casualties…just painting and watching chicks bed over in a sundress while it’s raining out. That actually happened today and that’s been occupying most of my idle minutes. I’m an ass man and when she dropped whatever she was picking up I knew that it was going to be a day of thinking about what I saw. Boy Howdy. Thanks Darlin’!
  So here’s to big fuckin’ painting projects, cool assed motorcycles and women with no self esteem, I love you all. As long as the three of you exist everything will be allllll riiight!   “GTP”

                                                 Left side...


                                                 Right side.

 Go to the trailer park of the interweb... a couple of prints. Go for the Art Prints when purchasing. They are the highest quality reproduction on archival quality paper and as an added bonus...they're the cheapest.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

another test

Just testing a link to my website you might as well click on it and tell me if it works!

just a test

This is the best way to test a new blog....random ass!

I had to switch to Blogger....

...because my password was changed when I switched to the new Firefox and then it was sent to my Hotmail account that was hacked and blocked out of. I will attach this blog to replace my other one on my website. I hate technology. I keep getting locked out of it. I think it's a sign.
  You can still view my old posts at Please still go to my site buy prints and think about commissioning work. Sorry about the confusion but the interweb hates me!   "GTP"